Call of chernobyl basic tools
Call of chernobyl basic tools

The truth is, the only way to prevent such errors is to document workflows and processes, and the only way to make sure your employees know what they have to do, how to do it, and have the resources to do it is to create your own operations manual. “ A perfect storm of 6 human errors - culminating with staff thinking it was ok to turn off the emergency cooling system - caused the Chernobyl disaster, costing an inflation-adjusted $720 billion, 30 deaths and an extreme amount of unsafe radiation.” – Ben Brandall, How Processes Protect Your Business From Crashing and Burning Hell, human error has already caused the worst nuclear accident to date.

call of chernobyl basic tools

Yet, despite being criticized as unrealistic, at the time it was entirely possible for human error to cause a Third World War. You’ve got a mad scientist, a cowboy pilot riding a bomb as it falls, and a nuclear holocaust brought about by a series of overblown human (and mechanical) errors. Strangelove, you’ll know it’s ridiculous.

call of chernobyl basic tools

Having an operations manual may not be glamorous, but preventing the disasters caused by human error and bad processes can save your business and even (in extreme circumstances) millions of lives.

Call of chernobyl basic tools